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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Atheist Turns Christian: Was Once Convinced God Was A Hoax

Truth Is You Have Nothing To Lose....Unless You Don't Accept Jesus!

Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. Matthew 10:39

What do you really have to lose if you accept Jesus? Nothing. What do you have to lose if you don't accept him and in the end you find out he is Real.... Everything!!!I cant imagine life with out hope in the Lord. I know he is real because I feel HIM everyday. I talk to Him every day. (No he does not have an audible voice) but I hear him in everything I do. I have witnessed his miracles firsthand. My 6 year old brother was supposed to die of cancer, he is here with us today at 20 years old. I was never supposed to have a child, and here we are with a wonderful 5 year old. My mom and dad were addicted to a powerful drug. I prayed persistently for them, now they are the ones encouraging me. I have been on the verge of divorce and destruction because of my pride and selfishness, Because of my unwillingness to let an argument go, and not get the last word in. God changed my heart! God fights my battles. I don't even have to tell my husband when I am upset with him. I take my worries to the Lord, and every time he works in my husbands heart and my own when I come to him first! I have seen the angels among us (in human form). God is like the wind. You cant see it, but you can feel it! I know there alot of reasons to be skeptical with all of the false "Christians" out there. Just give it a try. I beg you. Prayer is easy. Its not about alot of fancy words, its a direct line of communication to God. 1st you need to take a leap of faith and believe that Jesus was Gods only son, and that he died and was resurrected to be your sacrifice for sin. Once you do this your sin is gone. White as snow. Washed away! Jesus is like your lawyer, he goes before the judge (God) and he says I got him. This is my homeboy, What ever he did I will pay for it for he is now made righteous. Jesus takes our place. He took on all of our sin and pain at the cross. If it is all a big load of crap you will see for your self. But if you genuinely open up your heart, trust this, and turn to him, his Holy spirit will come upon you and you will know with out at doubt that He is Real!!! Look around you at the wonderful works of the Lord, the miracles everyday, look past all the devastation and destruction of this old world, which is Gods judgment, and believe. Because he promises that this hell on Earth is nothing compared to what is to come. And when you die, hell is no joke. Eternal suffering. No one made this up. The disciples could have been killed for spreading Gods word. The truth about Jesus. But they did anyway, and most did in fact loose their lives. This is truth!Truth is you have every thing to loose if you don't put your faith in the Lord. And you have nothing to lose (but all of your sin) if you do!